This ship is the first in its class and represented a new, grander vision for our clients. I was fortunate enough to join this project at an early stage of master planning, when the client had asked us to compete with other designers to present a new vision for the ship.
We were selected for the master-planning phase and then were given the chance to compete again for the design of several specific neighborhoods and venues throughout the ship. I was given the opportunity to take the lead on our submission for two neighborhoods on the ship, one long open shopping area within the ship, and then another open-air park directly above. As a part of this we proposed a sculptural connecting piece that would give the ship a novel and exciting feature, while also providing a much need way circulating up and down, mid ship.
Our submission was selected alongside Urban Robot, a firm based in Miami. UR took the lead on the open-air park, and we took the lead below in the shopping corridor, and for new feature. However we worked highly-collaboratively for several years on carrying these spaces through to delivery. The inside of the sphere was eventually slated to have a dynamic art piece designed by Breakfast NY, who we also worked closely with throughout the project.