New Single-Family Home

Hisel Flynn Architects

Fall 2022-ONGOING

This home was designed for a young family located in Gloucester, MA. The clients have a great enthusiasm for thoughtful, contemporary design and were highly involved throughout the design process, and eventually decided to take on the challenge of acting as their own general contractor. They've met this challenge head on, with great success and it has been a true joy to work collaboratively with them through out the construction process.

Designed on a small site, and coming it at just off 2,000sqft, this project makes use of overlapping volumes to create an airy, yet compact and efficient home. It's unique footprint allows the house to work seamlessly with adjoining exterior spaces; a cozy patio in the rear, and a comfortable drive out front. These outdoor spaces communicate directly with their interior counter parts which include a living room and kitchen out back, and a garage for vintage cars out front. The private spaces of the home float above in their own, screened-off volume.

The crux of the design is double-height curtain wall, with an open stair and mezzanine behind. This space highlights the overlap of the public and private spaces within the home